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Boston Manhunt for Bomb Suspect Number Two

Aired April 19, 2013 - 09:30   ET


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He was crying. He was like, gee, that's our friends that we knew from high school. We'd never think that anything like that. You know, it's a complete shock. You know, not that we know. If you ask anyone from my school, they would tell you the same thing. You would never suspect anything from these guys. Not -- not, you know, (INAUDIBLE) not -- not from Dzhokhar, he's like -- you'll find more information. You'll find more information. This guy is a walking angel. He's a nice kid.

DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: So, again, he said he was a nice kid. (INAUDIBLE) Golden Gloves winner. Golden Gloves winner. That was the older one, that's the one has died, Tamerlan -- Tamerlan, the one who was shot this morning.

Said he was a boxer. Said these -- they were pretty normal kIds from what he knew. And that they were great kids.

And he -- quite frankly, one of the quotes, was that he said "this kid was a walking angel." That's in his estimation.

The person did not want his name to be identified. He was not seeking media attention. As a matter of fact, he didn't want to be on camera, which leads us to believe he absolutely knew who these kids were.

He says he went to high school with them. He went to Cambridge Rindge and Latin High School with them, Rindge and Latin High School with them, back from 2006 to 2007.

He said the older brother graduated in either 2006, 2007. He wasn't sure. The younger brother graduated in 2011. And, again, on a scholarship for wrestling, the younger brother. And by all indications, kept to himself, was quiet and was a nice kid, a normal teenager, except until this activity happened.

We -- when we spoke to him, he was here in Watertown. He had come over from Cambridge. Not exactly sure why he came, probably because of all the activity here.

But that's the latest information about them.

Again, the area where we are, right in this triangle here, you see the police helicopter, honing in on a particular area. They've moved a lot of resources into this area. Not exactly sure why, if they are closing in on a suspect, or what they have in this area.

And in the video from earlier that we shot as well, shows a tactical unit, the FBI, the bomb squad, going into buildings, going door to door to different residences here, with guns drawn, and also a chemist checking blood.

According to a police officer on the scene, they did find blood in a location. They brought in a chemist to check the blood, to take it back to the lab to see if it matched -- matches any of the suspects or anything they have on file from the original police scenes this morning.

So far, they have not gotten anything back about that.

But, again, Watertown, they're asking people to really -- to be -- to shelter in place. Shelter in place or lockdown, somewhere in between. Do not leave your home. Do not open your doors for anyone unless you know it is a police officer, unless you see some sort of identification.

And that lockdown, that shelter in place, what have you, expanded now to the entire city of Boston, an -- in an unprecedented move.

Where we are, we see police officers being bused in and out. They have not moved our particular perimeter, but we are seeing more resources being brought into the area where we are, guys.

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: All right, Don. Don, thank you very much. We'll be back to you in a second.

ERIN BURNETT, CNN ANCHOR: Yeah, you know what, I find it amazing, though, what he was talking about is matching what we've heard from the few people we've heard from so far that especially the younger kid, but also the older brother, at least for a while, appeared to be quote/unquote "normal", appeared to be successful. Wrestling scholarship for Dzhokhar, the younger one. Quiet, perhaps, but a normal kid.

And then something happened. It's figuring out that something. And we've also talked about the concern right now, the reason the lockdown, we've been reporting is because they're concerned that Dzhokhar, the younger brother, who's on the run, could have explosives on him as the older brother did last night.

That's part of the reason that they are very uncertain and asking people to stay inside.

I want to go to Joe Johns for the very latest on those concerns that they have.

And, Joe, they are worried, right, that he could have explosives on his person?

JOE JOHNS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Absolutely. That's the big concern, and that's why we're told -- authorities are behaving the way they're behaving out there, and why they have asked businesses not to open, shut down the transit system, sending police officers door to door.

But I just wanted to recap some of the conversations we've had with law enforcement over the last several hours here, and they've really described a situation that is quite puzzling involving these suspects.

It's full of holes. Some of the information is conflicting. But here's the picture we have.

We have a picture of events that started late last night, early in the morning, suggesting that the bombing was very carefully planned, but the getaway just was full of holes.

For one thing, it seems pretty clear that these suspects did not have any transportation. They had to carjack a car. And when they got in the car, apparently they told the proper driver of that car that they were, in fact, the Marathon bombers. So that has a real element of amateurism in it for alleged terrorists or criminals or what have you.

Then we have this issue of a shoot-out that occurred involving these individuals. One of the individual gets out. He's shot. The other brother, apparently, runs over him, with the carjacked car.

So another situation that just seems a little bit implausible and -- and unusual, given the fact that these individuals are brothers.

The mother important fact, of course, that we've been told by the authorities, again, as you said, explosives on the suspect who died, leading the law enforcement authorities to be concerned that the suspect who's still out there, actually has explosives on him.

Back to you.

BURNETT: Thanks very much, Joe.

You know what's amazing, Chris, hearing all this, you hear about the amateurness that you've been talking so much about it. About when they are -- that they didn't have the money; that they had to hijack a car.

When you think about that happening, and you compare that to the image we were getting yesterday of two men, who were so confident, so cocky and so prepared that they could have the backpacks slung over just one shoulder. And had rehearsed this so many times that they knew that what they were doing.

And it appears at this point, that they didn't really have a plan for after that. It all -- it all fell apart.

CUOMO: The authorities are telling us that they're obviously pursuing two routes. One is that they're connected to other individuals, because they want to make sure they contain it.

We know that they've been taking people, not under arrest, but they are having intense interviews with people right now, who were close in the lives of the two suspects. That's ongoing right now.

That's one of the reasons there are so many locations going on.

And also, understand this, when you're watching from home, the reason we're not showing the actual activity that we have camera access to right now is because the authorities have asked us not to. They don't want to compromise tactical positions. They don't know who else is watching and what it could mean. That's why we're not doing it.

When we can, we'll show you what police are comfortable with. But, let's be honest, at the end of the day, our own curiosity is important, but it means nothing in terms of this investigation overall.

So bear with that. That's why you're not getting the access you would otherwise.

BURNETT: Right. Right. And we want, as we try to piece together who these men were, I want to bring in Goege MacMasters (ph). He hired Dzhokhar, the younger brother, as a lifeguard.

And, George (ph), thank you very much for joining us. As you know, we're just trying to piece together a picture of who these men were.

What can you tell us about Dzhokhar?

GEORGE MACMASTERS, HIRED DZOKHAR AS A LIFEGUARD (ph): Well, well, like I was telling the other man on the phone, you know, I hired him about 2.5 years ago. He was a very quiet young man. He came down with a -- a group from Cambridge Rindge and Latin. They had just completed their lifeguard training course up at the Will Memorial (ph) pool.

So I like to hire local youth and, you know, put them to work in the pool. And he seemed like a very quiet, unassuming young man.

BURNETT: And was he a hard worker? When you -- when you went through the training, how would you describe his discipline and his work ethic?

MACMASTERS (ph): Well, it's -- I'd describe it as good, you know. Showed up on time. He watched the water. He rotated from position to position fine. And he got along well with the other students and swimmers there at the pool.

Like I say, you know, I don't know a great deal about him. I just know that, you know, he was one of the -- the group that came down to the pool. A quiet young man. And this is very surprising and shocking to see the, you know, the destruction that he's -- he's brought to the city.

BURNETT: And -- and when you -- over time, was there any change? I mean, how long, did you have a chance to work with him? Because we're -- what you're saying, George, fits with what we've heard from a lot of people. Quiet, hard working, very normal in most respects. And obviously something changed dramatically. How long did you know him for?

MACMASTERS (ph): Well, I -- you know, it's over a span of about 2.5 years ago. But I deployed to Afghanistan last year with the Army National Guard. So I hadn't been -- I had not seen him over a year. And when I returned to work this August, he was no longer on the staff or the schedule.

BURNETT: All right. Well, George, thank you very much. I know you feel like you may not know a lot. But you know more than anyone else. And we really appreciate you're taking the time to share us and with all the people around the world who are trying to understand this a little bit more about Dzhokhar, the younger brother, who right now is -- is on the run, and Boston is shut down in a manhunt for the 19 year old.

CUOMO: Well, I mean, it does seem right now, from all the different points of reporting we have from authorities on the circumstances of the events of the last 20 hours, that these are the two young men that they've been looking for and they even placed themselves at the scene.

So let's bring in Tom Fuentes.

Tom, assuming that these men are who the authorities believe them to be, what is it shaping up to you as, in terms of what the purpose was of this, what their motivation was, the chance that they're connected to an organization? What's your feel on this?

TOM FUENTES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well I think, Chris, from what I see it looks like that they probably weren't dispatched here. They've been in the U.S. a long time. So it doesn't appear that somebody overseas trained them and sent them here on a mission.

It seems that they were here. They were trying to assimilate into U.S. society, and somehow that didn't quite take.

And you know, the other thing we don't know is the younger brother may have just come under the -- the control, let's say, of the older brother. He may have had a more dominant personality and directed the younger kid, who started out OK, but maybe brought him along, had him follow along to do bad things.

But, you know, one of the things we discussed at the time of the Marathon is that they didn't die. They didn't stay or they didn't martyr themselves. We have someone detonate two bombs and leave. Actually stay around awhile to watch the carnage, but then leave.

And so we thought, well, you know, they're not dedicated to the mission that a martyr would normally be.

Last night changed everything with that regard. And the main reason I say that is, they were not encountered. This isn't as if law enforcement got a lead, went to their residence and -- and ran into them, and then a shootout ensued.

They initiated this by ambushing the MIT campus police officer. He's sitting in his police car, and they completely ambushed him.

And they provoked the final attack.

So the question I have is, they may not have been ready to leave Boston last Monday, but last night maybe they were ready to leave this world and go out and take police officers and other people with them. And now you still have the younger brother on the loose, or maybe he's in some apartment.

I'm sure they have different issues that come up all the time of maybe encountering a possible booby trap when they -- when they find an abandoned bag or package.

But that's what strikes me as, they started this particular -- the gun fight, the chase, the explosives, killing the police officer last night. They started this.

CUOMO: All right, take a half step back, Tom. Where do these facts fit in in terms of putting together an idea, or an understanding for you on whether this is part of some big plan?

I mean, it seems fairly random for the last 20 hours.

FUENTES: Well, what I'm saying is that the initial attack and the fact that maybe they were looking for money, because they committed an armed robbery last night to try to fund raise, that that indicates that they weren't sent here funded, trained, ready to go directly from overseas.

And they've been here for a while from overseas. So there's no indication at this point, unless it comes up later in the investigation, that they were sent here by a larger organization, which is a good indication of why a larger organization did not claim credit, because they weren't aware that they were going to do this.

So they come to the U.S. They're in the U.S. for several years. Radicalize themselves. And at some point, the decision is made to go ahead and do the attack at the Marathon.

But they decide, you know, for whatever, that they're not going to kill themselves on that day. And they don't. They do the -- they do the -- you know, terrible attack last Monday. And then they're somewhere, holed up, for a couple of days.

But what I'm saying is that last night, they came out of hiding. They came out of the woodwork. And they initiated the attack with the police. It's not that law enforcement encountered them. They deliberately went after an officer that had no clue this was coming and ambushed him.

Well, at least it certainly appears that way...


FUENTES: And he's been killed.

CUOMO: They created the situation.

Tom, thank you very much.

As we get more facts, we'll come back to you for context. If you hear anything, let us know. BURNETT: And now we want to get Deb Feyerick, who is in Watertown.

Deb, what are you seeing right now?

FEYERICK: We're seeing a number of the vehicles and the law enforcement officers who were here, they're beginning to at least move away from this location.

But we are being told this is a very -- that this is a very fast and fluid moving situation. This is very, very much ongoing.

They still have not located him is what we're initially being told. They have a sense of where he is. However, we are told that also that they believe that he is watching, that he is watching everything that is going on. And there's a big concern because law enforcement know -- they all know that he's got explosives -- he's got explosives; he's got explosives on him.

He is tired. He has just witnessed his brother being killed or having killed himself -- not sure whether he detonated the device he was wearing.

So there's a very big concern right now that if this guy comes out, that he may come out and he may go down in a blaze of glory.

So they are monitoring this and they're being very, very careful as this unfolds.


CUOMO: All right Deb. Thank you very much. I want to go to Larry Shaughnessy, CNN producer he's in Maryland. He's been talking to the FBI about the latest in the investigation. Larry, do I have you on the phone?

LARRY SHAUGHNESSY, CNN PRODUCER (via telephone): Yes you do but one quick correction. The FBI here is not speaking to us. I have been speaking to neighbors who live near the house where the uncle of these two suspects apparently lived. And what they are telling us is that this is a large, extended family and that the people who live in this house are good neighbors, friendly people, no -- nobody is mentioning any kind of indication that there has ever been any talk of trouble or Islamic extremism or any kind of extremism.

And at one point in time, apparently two young men who would be roughly the same age as the two suspects in Boston, lived at this house which is north of Washington, D.C. in a single family home suburb, a lot of flowering cherry trees kind of place.

But no one has been able to say that "I've seen the pictures of the suspects on TV, and I remember seeing these two boys who lived in the neighborhood" and been able to say, yes, they are the same two people. They also know that the man who lives in this house now has at least two daughters, maybe three, who are much younger than the suspects in Massachusetts and the family appears to be very involved and very effective (INAUDIBLE), swim team, that sort of stuff. I spoke to a young man who said he knew -- he was good friends with a cousin of what he believes are the two suspects whose first name was Andy. And he said Andy is now in the U.S. Army, and he doesn't believe that Andy would be involved in anything like this at all. But at one point in time, Andy had a cousin who went to Watkins Mill High School, very close to this -- this home and the young man, who would probably be roughly the same age as suspect number two, was at the school for a while, but dropped out. And he said that they would frequently speak Russian in front of him.

It never really bothered him and this neighborhood young man said he never heard -- never heard anything from the cousin of Andy that would indicate that he was in any way angry at America or anything like that. But he doesn't know why he dropped out of high school so quickly.

And right now, there is media all around, there is a media helicopter flying overhead, most of the networks and local affiliates are here. But there is no indication that the uncle is going to come out and talk to us. And there is no indication that the FBI and/or the local police are going to make anyone available to talk to us. It's looks like it's mostly just a case of waiting and watching.

CUOMO: All right. Larry, thank you very much. You know look, these are very big puzzles and we miss more pieces than we get until everything is all done. A few things to take into consideration one, the police are very concerned, the entire investigation is concerned, tactical positions shouldn't be given away, because they believe that the suspect they are pursuing right now and anyone who may or may not be helping him could also be watching.

Obviously the greatest help, if this suspect were actually monitoring the media is to understand that this is the time to surrender. This is the time to do the only thing left that can create some decency, some prospect for a future for this young man.

The concern is that we heard from one of the experts, are they willing, have they shifted gears? These two young men identified themselves to a hostage as those responsible for the attack. That going with what investigators have been telling us is why we are being so certain about who these two young men are. They have explained themselves as that.


CUOMO: Authorities believe them to be that. If they changed gears, what would that mean? Well we went to a plan where we didn't want to kill ourselves, just blow up other people and last night it seems reckless, confrontational. Each of them may well be armed investigators believe with explosive devices, trying to provoke some end to confrontation.

But as Joe Johns was saying so many holes. Well then why rob a convenience store? That's not how you start this type of you know this kind of mass --


BURNETT: Well it seemed so planned leading in. As we've shown the video again and again. Every one of viewers has seen it. When they -- when they were walking down the street in Boyleston Street, getting ready to place the bags, confident assured, have run through this many times.

Yes the device was rather amateur, rather crude. But it worked. They'd practiced, they've done run-throughs and then afterward it seemed if there was a plan, something fell apart. They didn't have money, they didn't have a place to go and that's when desperation seems to have taken over.

CUOMO: If that seems like the spot on analysis and one of the things that would be confusing is why do you keep having people say they were normal, and they were ok, and they were quiet and the neighbors didn't see anything and the uncle is shocked? Because people change. That's why. We see it time and time again.

The Times Square bomber, Faisal Shahzad -- people loved him, he was going to school, he was doing well, he was trying to assimilate into the culture. There was family around him that supported him. And then something changed very often, as Juliette was explaining to us earlier that people can often have ideas in their own head that change. That doesn't mean you're part of a larger network. That could very well be the case with these two young men. We won't know unless this second suspect is apprehended. And tell us his story.

BURNETT: That's right and that's why they want him alive. To find out what happened. What changed? Obviously young, 19 years old, two years ago described as so normal. What changed? It's so important for law enforcement and everyone in this country to understand.

I want to get back to Brooke Baldwin now -- Brooke.

BROOKE BALDWIN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Erin, let me just tell you, we're here in Cambridge. We're --

BALDWIN: -- you can hear this officer -- so this officer is now clearing people even farther from Norfolk Street. Norfolk Street is one block behind me and that is where these two young men apparently live. And so this officer is now clearing us. We were cleared, we were much farther down and that was when a crush of FBI agents had us move. And this Cambridge police officer was saying it's not safe, it's not safe.

So now they've moved a bunch of people even farther away. Why they've done this, I don't know. But this is Tory Gordon. Tory is a freshman of one of the colleges nearby at Leslie and she lives one block from Norfolk Street. You're out this morning. Your roommate told you what?

TORY GORDON, EVACUATED COLLEGE FRESHMEN: That the police were searching houses and to stay out of the apartment. And try to get to the college and just like to be around other people.

BALDWIN: Tell me, precisely, how close from Norfolk Street is your apartment?

GORDON: I live a block away from Norfolk Street.

BALDWIN: So now what, you can't go home.

GORDON: Yes, I'm not really sure. I'm going to try to make my way back into my apartment. But I can't get to the college, so. Yes.

BALDWIN: Your plan was, since you can't really be home according to police and try to get to the college. Since it's all blocked off, I mean it's just that -- there are car after car, black SUV, law enforcement, federal law enforcement, local law enforcement here. Just quickly, how has this week been for you? You said you woke up to ten text messages from your family because we're within a mile from MIT. We know a police officer was killed last night.

GORDON: It's -- it's -- I'm from a really small town in Maine so I'm not used to this stuff at all. So it's been pretty -- it's been pretty shocking.

BALDWIN: Tory thank you so much.

And again, Erin here in Cambridge we're watching, we're waiting as just down the street, just a block away and to the right is where those two young men apparently lived. We're watching to find out and we're waiting to find out why we are increasingly moved farther and farther away. Certainly, there's a reason, we just don't know yet.

BURNETT: All right, Brooke. Thank you very much. And you see from both Brooke and Deb (INAUDIBLE) having to move. They don't seem to know -- at least we don't know and they wouldn't reveal for tactical reasons if they actually knew where he was. But that they are in certain areas, focused very closely where they lived. Where they may have last seen him flee on foot.

CUOMO: Obviously, we're all working the phones. That's why there's always a device in our hands.


CUOMO: What I'm hearing from investigators is the common link here is explosives. They must have been keeping them somewhere, they had to be working with them, figuring them out, It was a learning curve. So as they're going to different avenues of opportunity, homes and places where these kids may have been.

They're worried about explosives. They may well have found something they want a perimeter safety first. They keep saying all of the ideas about who are they and why are they? That's not where investigators are right now. They just want to get this kid in custody as soon as possible and figure out everything else later.

Now, to reset, one of the reasons you're not seeing the live picture that we have opportunities to show you is because authorities have asked us not to. They don't want to give away tactical positions. They have reason to believe that the young man they're pursuing and maybe people around him could be watching. They don't want information given up.

If he is watching I hope he understands that this is the best last chance he may have to surrender and do something right with his life to reset. We know there's a massive manhunt under way for this suspect. He's a 19-year-old. Boy, he is told -- a hostage himself. He was connected. He is the Marathon bomber.

BURNETT: Last night when they hijacked the car --

CUOMO: They said it -- investigators believe that this is one of two young men they've been looking for. The other one is dead.

This is what happened. Both brothers were on the run last night. They robbed a convenience store. In the course of that or soon thereafter, an MIT police officer, security guard, police officer was killed. He was a young man, himself, 26 years old.

Then police began a pursuit, they wound up getting into a shootout with police, ok. One of the brothers, the older one, 26 years old was killed during that. We believe authorities say that the younger brother, in trying to get away, ran over his own brother.

The brother who was killed had an explosive device on him. We're told he also had, when they took him to the hospital where he was pronounced dead, burns on him. We don't know if those burns were from something that happened with the explosive device on the scene. We have not been told anything happened with it at the scene. Or they are from the same event that he connected himself to, to the hostage which was the attacks on the Boston Marathon.

The second brother, the younger one, 19 years old, then took off into the air, as they say, the investigators. They've been pursuing him in different areas of Boston. They've been close, but they haven't gotten him. They are worried he has explosives that makes him slow down their pursuit because of the area of danger.

They brought in K-9 unites. Dogs have been excited when they've gotten to certain areas, but they usually are when they know they're going to work. It doesn't mean that they necessarily found something.

They are closing down parts of the city in a very aggressive way for a very simple reason -- safety. They don't want this young man to be able to use any opportunity of another hostage, steal another car, create more victims. So they're just going to be safe. And it gives them an easier way to find people when there's less movement around.

That's where we are right now. That the Boston authorities and federal authorities who are helping out in the investigation are talking to people intensively, having controlled conversations, finding locations where these young men were and trying to get their hands on this younger brother.

BURNETT: And we're starting to get, bit-by-bit, a better picture of who these men were. We do not know what happened to them in the most recent or probably two. With the people that we have talked to have known them probably a year ago or two years ago and described, especially the younger brother as quiet, normal. A man who hired him to be a life guard, described his work ethic as very good. Always showed up on time, a dedicated young man.

This is the picture that's coming together. The older brother, also, had been a boxer. Very successful. Something then happened. Something happened to radicalize them. We don't know. We don't know whether -- what the motivation was. We don't know whether it was some kind of extremism. We don't know if it was inspired by something overseas.

These are the questions we have and why we emphasize so much that they want to have this young man alive so that they can get answers because an attack like this has never successfully been carried out on American soil until this week.

CUOMO: We're showing his face for one obvious reason. To help find him if he is somewhere. There is no intention or need to glorify this. He is not popular. He is not a celebrity. If he has done what authorities believe he has done and what he has admitted to himself, he's the last person whose face you'd want to show people.

But they have not found him right now. So take a look at the face. If this is someone who's walking by, call authorities. Do not do anything yourself. Please, call authorities especially this would only apply to people who are in Boston. That's where they believe he is right now.

Make the phone call. Do what you can to help but stay safe. The authorities keep saying stay in your home. Don't drive around. They want to keep people as far away from this situation as possible.

Now this is still an investigation where we know -- there are more things we don't know than what we do. We don't know why this plan went from something that was coordinated to something so random and silly where they wound up throwing improvised grenades out of a stolen car last night towards authorities. We don't understand any of this. And we won't until they get this person in custody.

BURNETT: And I can tell you how quickly this happened. Last night, when we were on the air, there was a shooting at MIT and we were covering it. We had no idea -- no one did at any point that that was linked to this. And then indeed, it became that it was. This entire thing started snowballing.

I want to get to Don Lemon because, Don, you know, we're trying so hard to piece together exactly who these men were, what kinds of people they were and what might have changed. And I know you've had the opportunity to speak to another friend of the suspect.

LEMON: Yes. Actually, my photojournalist who's with me, Jay McMichael, got to speak to him and then we listened to the entire interview. Also gave us other details about the search that is going on now. And you can probably hear the helicopter overhead it's been going in an orbit around us, an orbit that's getting narrower and narrower. There's still a very heavy police presence here and they still appear to be honing in on this triangular area, this rectangular area where we are. Again, we don't want to give away too much information about that.

But, listen, we told you earlier about Tamerlan and his friend we spoke to who calls him "Tsar" because of Tsarnaev. But they call Tamerlan Tsar and they called the other one Dzokhar Tsar. They have shortened -- contracted the last name I guess to make it more Americanized.

We told you that Tamerlan was a boxer. He had won Golden Gloves -- he was a two-times Golden Gloves champion -- two-times Golden Gloves champion. And they wanted him to go pro.

One of our reporters, Ivan Watson, who is one of our reporters at CNN International, found some information about him. He said the results on the Salt Lake City 2009 Golden Gloves Tournament of Champions, it looks like that Tamerlan was a heavyweight in that. So he did participate. It appears that he was a boxer and, as his friend said who we spoke to, a two-time Golden Gloves champion.

The younger brother, who they're seeking right now, the one in the white baseball cap in those photographs, was a wrestler. And he -- obviously 19 years old. The older brother, 26 years old. The younger brother is a wrestler. They said he was in great shape. That he also got a scholarship for it that was able to carry him to college from high school when he graduated back in 2011.

Here's the friend we spoke to. He did not want to be identified. I think it's important to say he was not seeking media attention. So take a listen. Here he is.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was pretty shocked. I mean I called my brother. He was crying, you know. He was like, dude, that's our friend that we knew from high school. I would never think anything like that, you know. It's a complete shock. Not that you know. If you ask anyone from my school, they would tell you the same thing. You would never suspect anything from these guys. Not, you know, the least bit, like, you know, not from Dzhokhar, at least.